Apply for the Electricals Recycling Fund grant

The Electricals Recycling Fund, managed by Material Focus, is now offering a total of £750,000 in grant funding. This initiative is designed to support projects that enhance the ease of reuse and recycling of electrical goods among UK householders.

Funding details and eligibility

The Electricals Recycling Fund aims to allocate grants to a diverse range of projects, focusing on innovative and growth-oriented initiatives.

The funding opportunities are structured as follows:

  • Up to £100,000 for projects that aim to expand or improve existing household waste and recycling collection services for small household electricals.
  • Up to £50,000 for projects that propose new and innovative methods for collection.

Eligible applicants include:

  • Local authorities
  • Waste collection authority areas
  • Waste contractors
  • Reuse organisations
  • Not-for-profits
  • Community sector organisations
  • Producer compliance schemes
  • Retailers
  • Startups

This broad eligibility criteria opens the door for a wide range of organisations to bring forward their ideas and initiatives.

Funding utilisation

Successful projects will be able to use the awarded funds in several key areas to ensure the effective implementation of their proposed initiatives. These include:

  • Purchase of new bins or collection points, also known as ‘bring banks’
  • Adaptation of waste collection vehicles to include cages for kerbside Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE)
  • Rental of vehicles
  • Installation of bins
  • Production of communication and marketing materials to promote recycling initiatives
  • Staffing costs associated with planning and delivering the project

Application process

Applications for the Electricals Recycling Fund are accepted on a rolling basis, allowing organisations to submit their proposals at any time.

This flexible application process is designed to encourage a continuous flow of innovative ideas and solutions to enhance electrical goods recycling.

How to apply

Organisations interested in applying should prepare a detailed proposal outlining how their project aligns with the fund’s objectives. It is important to demonstrate the potential impact of the project in terms of increased recycling rates and community engagement.

If you are interested in applying for this grant and would like assistance with submitting an application, please contact us today.