EU urges ‘fast relief’ for struggling farmers

MEPs have told the EU Agriculture Commissioner that the Commission needs to come up with quicker, more decisive actions for farmers in the worst-hit sectors, such as dairy and livestock.

The MEPs also called for greater structural reform to agriculture in the EU to better balance the supply chain, ensure fairer income for farmers and help individual farmers to become more resilient to sudden market changes.

In response Phil Hogan, EU Agriculture Commissioner, confirmed that the Commission was adopting three draft regulations to help farmers, which include doubling the intervention ceilings for skimmed milk powder and butter to help the struggling dairy sector.

The Commission has also activated previously proposed regulations, which will allow producer organisations to plan milk production for a period of six months and extended the scope to include co-ops and other organisations.

Hogan said: “Prices are currently very low and it is difficult to produce under these circumstances. EU food chain faces many opportunities, but also many challenges.

“Globalisation, which can benefit us from a trade point of view, can also have the negative effect of concentrating bargaining power in the hands of the food processing and retail sectors.

“For this reason, we need to work together to improve the functioning of the food chain. This is a responsibility we must take seriously. The role and position of farmers in the supply chain continues to be of great concern to me.”