Specialists in
Succession Planning
When you’re running a legal firm, your clients are your priority. When you’re also dealing with day-to-day business issues and working within regulatory and reporting regimes, it can be hard finding time to think about the future.
But when you’ve worked hard to build and grow your practice, you also want to make sure it continues to develop and succeed as partners or other senior team members leave or retire.
At Moore Thompson, we believe it is never too soon for legal firms to put in place succession planning to achieve continuity in the practice’s operations and smooth transitions of leadership.
Our specialists will help you focus on key issues, including the financial impact on the practice of equity partner retirements, the future structure of the business and grooming senior staff – or attracting talented new people – for future leadership roles.

If the best option for the firm going forward is a merger or sale, we can provide the appropriate advice to support you through the process, including advice on maximising the value and tax efficiency of the transaction.
Retirement planning goes hand-in-hand with succession planning, so that partners, members or directors can organise their personal finances, as well as those of the practice, prior to an exit.
For further details or to arrange a free, no obligation meeting, please contact a member of our legal sector team.