Debunking common myths about R&D tax relief claims: A guide for SMEs

By Matt Storey, Partner at Moore Thompson 

Research and Development (R&D) tax relief is a vital support mechanism for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) in the UK, encouraging innovation and business growth.  

Yet, misconceptions persist regarding eligibility and the claiming process, leading many SMEs to miss out on this crucial financial benefit. 

In this article, I hope to debunk some common myths surrounding R&D tax relief claims, highlight the value of professional advice, and shed light on rogue companies that promise more than they can deliver. 

Myth 1: “R&D Tax Relief Is Only for Scientific and Technological Companies” 

While it’s true that R&D tax relief was designed to support technological and scientific innovation, its scope extends far beyond these industries.  

If your company is engaged in projects that seek to overcome technical uncertainties or create innovative solutions, you may well qualify. 

Myth 2: “The Process Is Too Complex and Time-consuming” 

A common belief is that the process of claiming R&D tax relief is overwhelmingly complicated and laborious. However, with the right guidance, it can be a relatively straightforward process. 

Myth 3: “My Company Is Too Small to Qualify” 

Size does not disqualify a company from claiming R&D tax relief. In fact, SMEs can benefit significantly from this support, whether you’re a start-up or a more established business. 

The value of professional advice 

When navigating the intricate world of R&D tax relief, professional advice from a qualified accountant is invaluable.  

Here’s why: 


  • Understanding eligibility: A skilled accountant can assess your projects against the specific criteria, ensuring that your claim is valid. 
  • Maximising claims: Expert assistance can help you identify all qualifying expenses, maximising your claim. 
  • Ensuring compliance: Professional guidance ensures that your claim is compliant with the ever-evolving HMRC guidelines. 

Rogue advice – A warning 

Unfortunately, not all advice is created equal. There has been a surge in businesses claiming to offer specialist advice, who aren’t properly qualified to do so.  

The “rogue companies” often promise to secure R&D tax relief even when claims are not legitimate or where expenses aren’t eligible. Working with such companies can lead to: 

  • Rejection of claims: If the claim is not legitimate, it can be rejected by HMRC, leading to wasted time and resources and the abandonment of investment plans.  
  • Financial consequences: Engaging in fraudulent claims could result in further investigation by HMRC and penalties. 
  • Tighter rules in future: Many of the recent changes to R&D tax relief have been made due to abuse of the existing rules.  

R&D tax relief offers significant opportunities for SMEs to fuel their growth and innovation. By understanding the reality behind common myths and seeking professional advice, you can take full advantage of this financial incentive. 

Beware of rogue companies offering ill-informed guidance, and always seek advice from qualified professionals who understand the nuances of R&D tax relief.  

Your investment in expert assistance can pay dividends in the form of a successful and maximised claim, ensuring that your business thrives in today’s competitive environment. 

For the right advice on making an R&D tax relief claim, please speak to our team 

Posted in Matt Storey.